Learn more about Ward 4 Candidate Views & Approach
We were not informed about possible questions before the debate, so Ward 4 viewers can see how each of us responds on demand and get some incite into how we look at and approach some common municipal and regional issues.
Hopefully you will gain a bit more insight about all of us.
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns. I am happy to elaborate on issues touched on in the debate, or any other issues you may have concerns about.
Monday October 22 is E-Day. Check your voter list status and to find your poll visit this City of Kitchener link.

Kitchener's Interactive poll map helps you identify your voting location, and links to google maps for GPS directions
To view all the voting locations, including wards and voting subdivisions, please visit the City of Kitchener’s interactive online map.
ALL votes matter. I've knocked on many a door here in Ward 4, and many of our neighbours are permanent residents who dearly wish they could vote and be heard. I hope you will seriously consider making time to get out and cast your ballot.
"Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote." -
Help get all our neighbours involved! Please Share